Good Harvest

2020 Life in Color

Classic Journey

Stephen Peng (彭雄渾) possesses traits from both Western and Eastern cultures and emanates an air of mystery and extravagant uniqueness. His personal qualities originate from his life experience when traveling between Europe and Asia during the prime of his life. Though born in the East, he found his sense of belonging in Positano, an Italian town. Every city he has ever stayed in has shaped his distinctive charm and personality.

Glorious Years

There is a type of people who all the time are living their life to the fullest so as to remain loyal to their passion and joy. Stephen Peng (彭雄渾) precisely lives such existence. He reveals everything about him openly and stays true to himself heartily and cheerfully. His paintings display a sense of honesty in self-expression. Moving constantly at a fast pace, he shows an arrow-like point of view in his artworks; all the scenes and colors surpass time and space, presenting a feeling of youthful and vibrant speed.

A Ray of Light

In our darkest moments, can we still see the slightest ray of light?

This series reflects Peng’s inner struggle. While conquering this struggle, Stephen Peng (彭雄渾) calms down and finds himself transformed with perseverance and strength. This strength he accumulates becomes the light of his life, guiding him to the next stage of life and breakthrough. 

Good Harvest

Every trace of one’s life experience symbolizes growth. But forever feeling at a loss, one would never have grown into an ambitious person. A person should explore new territories independently and experience the feeling of harvesting from his/her hard work. The shoeprints of the young granddaughter in the painting also serve as a metaphor for passing on a legacy. Passing on more than just his own achievements, the artist also hands on the spirit and traditions of the family.

Landscape of the Heart

“Seeing a mountain as it is; seeing the mountain with a critical eye; accepting the mountain as how it is.” Innocent people often believe what they see, and they see everything through their sincere eyes. When their disposition starts to mature and change, every scene has its own meaning, making them even more trapped in their own perceptions. Only after their hearts are cleared will they finally see the truth and core of things. At this time, mountains are still mountains, yet they are no longer the same as how they were perceived in the beginning. This series of landscape paintings by Stephen Peng (彭雄渾) shows his clearness and acceptance after undergoing emotional turmoil. Though traveling to the West, Peng gradually looks into his heart, and finds his way back to the landscape in the East.