Silent Voice

2020 Life in Color

First Movement

The beginning of Stephen Peng is like his name (雄渾, Hsiung Hun), meaning a magnificent beginning. Just like Aurora, his art is eye-catching but not ostentatious. In the tranquil night of snow, he manifests the colorful changes of light and shadows.


Creation requires solitude but it is not lonely. Peng is always alone while creating, unable to withstand any disturbance by others. He converses with the empty canvas and layers of colors, while loudly pronouncing all of his ideas through painting: it is a process of transforming unspeakable frustration into colors that dissipate silently.

Chords of Life

Peng’s life is interconnected with the people he cares about. Perhaps his family is that streak of orange in his paintings, while the low points in his career are represented by the strong tinges of blue; all of these constitute the melody of his life, while beautiful chords are created through his being nourished by the world and his relationships with others.

Endless Passion

Years of creating art has not extinguished his passion. The only thing that has changed is his style. His spirit will defy death and continue to spread.