2013 Life in Color

Taipei ESLITE Gallery Exhibition

Simply Natural, Splendid Life

Solo Exhibition in Taipei

The starting point of this exhibition

Stephen Peng, who has extraordinary talent in art, shows his spirituality in colors.

Painting was his passion in his childhood. When he was twenty years old, someone noticed his unique sensitivity to colors, and thus helped him hold his first art exhibition. Born in an ordinary family, he worked and studied every day; he was willing to learn skills and work hard at any job. Forty years ago, in order to survive, Stephen gave up his dream and left his hometown to take on challenges around the world. He diligently persisted and laboriously fought through adversity. Yet, his passion for life compelled him to chase his dream. This time, he retired from his role as a successful entrepreneur, and returned to Taiwan for another new chapter where he can finally achieve his dream. Stephen uses his intuition to capture the colors of life and the resplendent colors on his canvas represent his life journey. The colorful oil paintings describe his life experience; his talent is both natural and unrestricted. 

Colors of Nature  

Stephen’s inspiration comes from “nature.” He authentically interprets the abundant and endless vitality in his art and life. By visualizing the ubiquitous colors of nature in daily life on his canvas, he thoroughly manifests his affinity to the pristine beauty in his works. Here, the resources are boundless. Stephen uses a series of art to show the primordial state of nature. The simple and ordinary lifestyle is touching and his works demonstrate his inner yearnings. Compared with the expansive nature, life is small; yet, vitality surpasses nature, time and space, and is limitless and continuous. Inspired by nature, he expresses his expectations through “Nature’s Feast”; his works, in addition to capturing the transient moments of nature, also express gratitude for the happiness they bring and
the beauty that is hard to come by.

Color of Scenery

The luxuriant mountains are enshrouded in mist and clouds. Looking far, all the plants in the forest reflect the golden rays of the sun. He sees the beauty of the sky, as well as his inner desire and needs. Stephen has travelled everywhere and left his traces around the world. He understands the impact of humans’ destruction of nature in spite of our insignificant size. As he travels, he no longer uses only the camera to capture scenery; instead, he uses his inherent talent to catch the momentary beauty appearing in front of him. On the canvas, all the details of the scenery guide his hands and heart to a different realm. The harmonious coexistence of natural scenes is Stephen’s definition of a wonderful future. He hopes that the viewer, when indulging in the scenery, can also be made aware of the importance of protecting the environment, which is the greatest and sincerest love
we can show to our later generations.


Color of Mind 

In Stephen’s eyes, colors represent the rhythm of life. Painting is the exploration of spirituality. His artistic creativity is not forced. Meanwhile, he does not insist on techniques; instead, his work shows true emotions and colors of his mind. When making art, his emotions are like gushing water and his style is not restricted, just like falling in love with his own work. By resonating with his inner feelings, he enjoys the dialogue with his heart, and these feelings are presented unreservedly through art. Each of his paintings is like a romance that is vivid and genuine, as well as a spiritual journey. Love is the path that leads us from imperfection and ignorance to a wonderful spiritual status. Overall, Stephen’s paintings are like himself, showing the abundance of the world as well as the colors of life.


2014 Singapore Art Fair


2013 Life in Color - Singapore Exhibition